A Fair and Equal Opportunity to Enjoy Good Health
On this page you can access all the resources that are part of A Fair and Equal Opportunity to Enjoy Good Health. This includes a Young Person’s Toolkit full of ideas, information and inspiration including two animations that highlight some of the key messages. Linked to the toolkit are a set of resources for teachers – that can also be used in youth settings – including guidance, lesson plans and resources.
All of the resources have been created following a research project funded by the NIHR School for Public Health Research. The research asked young people to think about the things that make it easier or harder to enjoy good health where they live, what health inequality means to them, and their priorities for change in improving health in their area.
Young person’s toolkit
Created with and for young people including ideas and information about health inequalities and inspiration for creating positive change.
Ash’s animation
Ash highlights the importance of safe community places.
Michael’s animation
Michael highlights the importance of access to affordable healthy food.
Resources for schools
Teacher Guidance
Key Stage 3: Lesson
Key Stage 3: Resources
Key Stage 4: Lesson
Key Stage 4: Resources