Our work

The Association for Young People’s Health is the UK’s leading independent voice for young people’s health.

The UK has 12 million young people aged 10-24 making up 18% of the population. Good health for young people is central to their wellbeing, forming the bedrock for good health in later life. It is critical that we invest in this life stage.

We bridge the worlds of policy, practice and evidence to promote better understanding of young people’s health needs, and to advocate for youth friendly health services.  By sharing learning and best practice we can promote and provide better services to meet young people’s specific health needs.


We do this by:


Advancing young people's health

We take a multidisciplinary and multi sector approach and collaborate wherever possible with other organisations and individuals who share our goals and values. We run events to share information, innovation and best practice with the aim of understanding and meeting the particular health needs of 10-25 year olds.  We work with a range of experts via our trustees, advisory council members and youth advisory panel.


Analysing young people's health

We are an evidence informed organisation. We provide access to high quality reliable data and research, from the UK and beyond, about young people’s lives, views and experiences. Our Youth Health Data site includes Key Data on Young People, Data for Schools and information about Health Inequalities. We also produce a range of other evidence and research briefings focusing on all aspects of young people’s health.


Amplifying young people's voices

We involve young people in our work at all levels. We value young people’s lived experience and expertise and approach every interaction with young people as a learning opportunity. We are committed to working transparently, ethically and honestly with young people at all times and we put in the extra work to ensure we hear from young people who face barriers to participation. We produce a range of youth led creative resources that centre young people’s experiences and views on their health. We also involve young people in our governance.



We take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and take the realities of young people’s health experiences to decision makers to change policy and practice. We work in partnership and share our expertise and resources. This includes leading the Young People’s Health Partnership and a Health Inequalities Policy Fellow programme of work. As part of these projects and others we support young people to influence decision makers directly.

Read our success report, our ethical funding statement, and our code of practice for working with young people to find out more about our ways of working.


Advancing young people's health

Advancing young people’s health

By becoming a member, you can join with others working in the field to learn, share knowledge and get support.

Young people UK population
Advocating for young people's health

Advocating for young people’s health

If you would like to work with us to support young people’s health and ensure all young people achieve the best possible health outcomes, get in touch.

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You can sign up to receive email updates about our work here. You can read our privacy policy here for information on how we will use your information and keep it safe and secure.

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