Our vision

All young people have the best possible health and equal access to high quality youth friendly services.


Our mission

We work with everyone to understand and meet the particular health and wellbeing needs of 10-25 year olds. Young people and their rights are at the centre of everything we do.

Our strategy

We are pleased to share our organisational strategy for 2023 – 2025.  We look forward to working with all our partners to focus on our priorities for change:

  • Young people’s voice and lived experience is heard and acted upon in health policy, research and practice

  • Health services have the capacity, resources and skills to be effectively youth friendly

  • Young people’s health inequalities are reduced

  • Young people live in environments and communities that support and nurture good health

Our impact

In the process of creating our new strategy with our staff, trustees and everyone we work with we reflected on our achievements under our last strategy.  Our success report sets out the key achievements from the last 5 years. 

Advancing young people's health

Advancing young people’s health

By becoming a member, you can join with others working in the field to learn, share knowledge and get support.

Advocating for young people's health

Advocating for young people’s health

If you would like to work with us to support young people’s health and ensure all young people achieve the best possible health outcomes, get in touch.

Advancing young people's health
Analysing young people's health
Amplifying young people's voices
Advocating for young people's health

Keep up to date

You can sign up to receive email updates about our work here. You can read our privacy policy here for information on how we will use your information and keep it safe and secure.

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