Our staff


Emma Rigby, Chief Executive

Emma Rigby - Chief Executive, AYPHEmma has led AYPH since it was set up in 2008 working at a national level to improve young people’s health. She leads the Young People’s Health Partnership (YPHP) a consortia of youth and young people’s health charities, and represents AYPH and YPHP in a number of high level strategic forums including the stakeholder group of the NHS England CYP Transformation Programme and as co-chair of the #iwill Health and Social Care Alliance. Emma works closely with NHS England, Government Departments, Universities and others championing young people’s participation and better understanding of young people’s health needs and experiences. Previously she worked in a range of membership organisations including as Capacity Building Director at the International Alliance of Patients Organizations and as Development Team manager at AdviceUK.

Kirsty Blenkins, Evidence & Policy Lead, Deputy Chief Executive

Kirsty leads on developing and delivering a programme of evidence and policy work. She co-produces toolkits, good practice guidance and resources to aid commissioning and evaluation of children and young people services. Kirsty has many years of experience in children’s and young people’s health and wellbeing both in Government and in the voluntary sector. Kirsty previously worked for the Department for Health and Social Care, Public Health England and the National Treatment Agency specialising in young people’s substance misuse provision, leading on prevention and specialist provision for under 18-year-olds.  

Esta Orchard, Education Lead

Esta Orchard - Education Lead, AYPHEsta leads on the design and development of training and education at AYPH. Esta is a trainer and environmental psychologist with a specialist interest and experience in participatory approaches to involving children, young people and families in policy and the design and delivery of services and research. She has extensive experience in delivery of training to professionals, parents and carers and young people around children, young people, participation and youth mental health. Esta is also a national trainer for Mental Health First Aid England and provides support for the Child Health Unit at Imperial College around the participation and involvement of children and young people.

Vicky Robinson, Office and Partner Manager

Vicky Robinson - Office & Partner Manager, AYPHVicky is the Office and Partner Manager for AYPH, specialising in supporting policy work and events. Previously she worked in the domestic and sexual violence sector, providing comprehensive administrative and HR support to organisations and facilitating training events.


Nick Morgan, Youth Engagement & Partnership Project Manager

Headshot of Nick MorganNick is a qualified youth worker with specialism in mental health care and co-production/youth engagement. Nick has previously worked at the Anna Freud Centre and is currently part of the World Health Organisations Mental Health Coalition, leading on youth, in his role as Director of Euro Youth Mental Health.


Lizzie Wortley, Research Associate (Maternity leave)

Lizzie Wortley - Research Associate, AYPHLizzie is a paediatric registrar training in London.  Her special interests are health inequalities, young people’s health and advocacy. She is a member of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health and sits on their Health Improvement Committee.



Ann Hagell, AYPH Associate

Ann Hagell - Research Lead, AYPHOur former Research Lead Ann now works with AYPH as an Associate. Ann is a chartered psychologist with a specific interest in young people. She has a masters in public health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a PhD from the Institute of Psychiatry. She has published widely on young people’s health and has worked with a range of funders, think tanks and universities in the field of adolescent development. She was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Adolescence for 15 years, and is an ad-hoc reviewer for various journals and funders in the field.  Ann is also a member of the World Health Organisation GAMA (Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent health) Advisory Group and Honorary Associate Professor at the College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter.

Angela, Young Trainer

AngelaAngela is a young trainer, working on improving engagement with young people and health research. She has experience working with the NHS CCG in Harrow, developing a tier 2 mental health service for children and young people aged 0 to 18. She has worked with Barnardos as part of a voice and influence group. She has experience working in the voluntary sector, particularly with youth organisations and is passionate about young people’s involvement in developing youth-friendly services.

Nishit, Young Trainer

Nishit headshotNishit (NJ) is a young trainer and has been working on participation projects with professionals and young people for two years, helping to improve NHS services. He got involved through Redbridge Council for Voluntary Service (CVS), where he has been a Young Advisor since 2021. With the CVS he took part in a range of projects where he analysed the public’s results of services they would like to see more of.

Nora, Young Trainer

Nora headshotNora is a young trainer at AYPH. Her role involves delivering training to working professionals, based on the health and well being of young people aged 10-25. As one of three Training Interns at the organisation, she is keen to improve her skills and knowledge and to use these whilst being a representative for young people. She hopes to make a positive change for the future ahead of us all.

Arshan, Young Trainer

Image of Arshan sitting at an event smiling.Arshan is a young trainer at AYPH. With experience as a community consultant at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, he has contributed to the development of the NCL Waiting Room app, addressing the gaps in mental health support within the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service. Arshan’s passion for collaborative approaches in mental health and their commitment to amplifying young voices makes him an invaluable asset in improving young people’s well-being. With a strong background in youth-led social action, he is dedicated to amplifying young voices and ensuring their best interests are represented. 

Jordan, Young Trainer

Headshot of JordanJordan is an interdisciplinary Artist, Poet and Tinkerer. Jordan is advocate for young people and neurodiversity.  His artwork reflects his lived experience. Jordan comes from the lived experience of being a young carer for his older brother. His work expresses vibes of self-care as well as community care, understanding and introspection over the quality of our relationships. Jordan has worked with arts/museum spaces such as South London gallery, crafts council and Youth organizations such as London Youth and eat club.  

Opeyemi, Young Trainer

Opeyemi, young trainer headshotOpeyemi is a young trainer at AYPH helping to co- produce and deliver training to a wide range of health care professionals. She’s a passionate and dynamic person who is determined to advocate for young people who have had adverse experiences whilst accessing health and social care services .

Advancing young people's health

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Advocating for young people's health

Advocating for young people’s health

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