Advocating for young people’s health

The Association for Young People’s Health brings the specific health needs and experiences of young people to policy, practice and research. We take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing and take the realities of young people’s health experiences to decision makers to change policy and practice.

We work in partnership and share our expertise and resources. This includes leading the Young People’s Health Partnership and a Health Inequalities Policy Fellow programme of work. As part of these projects and others we support young people to influence decision makers directly.

We ensure that we preserve our autonomy and independence in all our work.

We have a range of policy and practice resources.

Advancing young people's health
Analysing young people's health
Amplifying young people's voices

Key Data on Young People


People on zero hour contracts aged 16-24


Young people aged 11-15 in England who said they'd never drunk alcohol


People on zero hour contracts aged 16-24


Young people aged 11-15 in England who said they'd never drunk alcohol


People on zero hour contracts aged 16-24

Recent articles

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