Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development

Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development

Everyone is agreed that young people need to be involved at all levels of our healthcare system, from shaping the care they are receiving at the front line right up to co-designing and inputting to strategic change. However, our understanding of what is actually...
Type 1, not typecast 

Type 1, not typecast 

In 2023 Andrew took part in our engagement project ‘Understanding the experiences of young people with type 1 diabetes from communities that experience marginalisation’.  As someone living with Type 1 diabetes and a neurodiverse condition we are delighted to share his...
Comfortable spaces open up conversations

Comfortable spaces open up conversations

As we launch findings from our recent series of engagement events with young people and families in Complications from Excess Weight clinics, Lindsay Starbuck, AYPH Youth Participation coordinator, reflects on the importance of creating safe spaces for young people to...