The health and wellbeing of young people in low income areas in England and Wales
Keeping track of key health trends and policy developments is central to AYPH’s work. In our latest update we took a new look at the health of young people in low income areas in England and Wales, drawing on data from surveys and audits in 2023. The report was...
Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development
Everyone is agreed that young people need to be involved at all levels of our healthcare system, from shaping the care they are receiving at the front line right up to co-designing and inputting to strategic change. However, our understanding of what is actually...
Baroness Doreen Massey, AYPH Patron
We were incredibly sad to hear of the death of our Patron Doreen Massey last week. She is a profound loss to our organisation and to the young people’s health field. We wanted to share some reflections from staff, patrons and trustees on the importance of her work...
Gathering stakeholders to discuss the food offer in the youth sector
There are lots of conversations now ongoing about the food offer in the secondary school setting. There’s considerable interest in how to improve this, and what we might do about extending free school meals. We’ve previously written about reimagining secondary...
Type 1, not typecast
In 2023 Andrew took part in our engagement project ‘Understanding the experiences of young people with type 1 diabetes from communities that experience marginalisation’. As someone living with Type 1 diabetes and a neurodiverse condition we are delighted to share his...
Understanding the experiences of young people with type 1 diabetes from communities that experience marginalisation
Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed in late childhood or adolescence. The challenges of managing a new life-time health condition can be particularly acute for young people in communities more likely to face marginalisation. Findings from our scoping review of relevant...
Understanding the experiences of young people with epilepsy from communities that experience marginalisation
Epilepsy is one of the most common significant long-term neurological conditions of childhood and one of the five clinical areas of focus in the NHS England ‘Core20PLUS5’ approach to reducing health inequalities for children and young people. Yet findings from our...
Understanding health inequalities for young people who are care experienced
As part of AYPH’s health inequalities programme we have focused on the health inequalities for different groups of young people. We are very pleased to present the findings from our exploration of health inequalities for young people who have spent time in the care...