Policy Consultations

As part of our work we respond to policy consultations relevant to young people’s health both for AYPH and as part of the Young People’s Health Partnership.  Responses to consultations are set out below. Our responses provide recommendations for national policy-makers and aim to improve young people’s outcomes and reduce health inequalities. If you would like to find out more about our policy work and contribute to our consultation responses, please get in touch.

Department of Health and Social Care – Major Conditions Strategy

The Department of Health and Social Care issued a call for evidence on how to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage six major groups of health conditions that affect the population in England. In our response we emphasised that we need to ensure we involve young people in co-producing approaches and informing the Major Conditions and Diseases Strategy itself.  Meaningful participation with young people is key to getting things right.  

Office for Health Improvement & Disparities – Youth vaping

The Office for Health Improvements & Disparities issued a call for evidence to identify opportunities to reduce the number of children accessing and using vape products, while ensuring they are still easily available as a quit aid for adult smokers. In our response we provided trends in data and evidence on youth vaping and recommendations for policy and practice. 

World Health Organisation – AA-HA guidance

The World Health Organisation (WHO) consulted on the second edition of their Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!): guidance to support country implementation. The guidance aims to help countries respond to the health and wellbeing challenges of adolescents. It is intended as a reference document for national policy makers. In our response we provided references from the UK context on how to improve young people’s involvement and participation in decision making.

Labour Party – National Policy Forum consultation

The Labour Party consulted on six topic areas to inform future party manifesto pledges and policies. We responded to the consultation on ‘prevention, early intervention and better public services for all’. In our response, we stressed the importance of the prevention agenda including measures targeted at young people aged 10-25. We called for a focus on reducing health inequalities and investing in public health services.

Education Select Committee – Persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

The Education Select Committee are examining the Government’s proposals to encourage young people who are persistently absent from school to return to the classroom. In our response, we recommended that the Government should work with young people and families to consider the barriers to attending and what the solutions may be, recognising different circumstances will require different solutions.

Health and Social Care Select Committee – Call for proposals on prevention in health and social care

The Health and Social Care Committee are planning to conduct an inquiry into prevention. At this first stage, the call for proposals asked stakeholders what the inquiry should focus on and prioritise in future stages. In our response, we highlighted the importance of prevention in adolescence for improving health outcomes across the life course. We also suggested the inquiry considers health inequalities as a key priority.

APPG for Youth Employment – How is mental health affecting young people accessing the labour market?

The APPG for Youth Employment launched a call for evidence exploring how young people with mental health problems can access high quality employment opportunities. In our response, we drew on our earlier work with the Young People’s Health Partnership (YPHP) members when we conducted a scoping review and interviews on this issue. We identified a number of barriers and potential solutions for young people, including provision of local, long-term and individualised support packages.

Public Accounts Committee – Call for evidence on Integrated Care Systems

The House of Commons’ Public Accounts Committee launched a call for evidence looking at the implementation of Integrated Care Systems within NHS England. In our response, we highlighted our interest in determining whether ICSs meet the needs of young people aged 10-25 and whether they contribute to reducing health inequalities.

NHS England – Building a future NHS vaccination strategy

The NHS consulted on their vision for a future NHS vaccination strategy. In our response, we highlighted the specific needs of young people, drawing on lessons learned from Covid-19 vaccinations of young people. We call for improving education on vaccines to increase young people’s health literacy.

Health Foundation – Health inequalities in Scotland

The Health Foundation have launched a specific programme of work focused on health inequalities in Scotland. They ran a survey of stakeholders to increase understanding of the issue. In our response, we focused on the health inequalities experienced by young people aged 10-25. We identified a number of barriers impacting the picture in Scotland: insufficient resource, insufficient use of data and a lack of strategic / joined-up thinking to address the issue.

Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) – Alternative report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child are currently examining the UK on their obligations under the UNCRC.  CRAE are submitting a civil society response. We responded to their call for evidence on whether children’s rights are being upheld. We worked with youth advisers from our We’re All Right project to submit our response. It focused on safeguarding, including protecting young people from violence.

NHS England – Working in partnership with people and communities

NHS England have developed guidance for Integrated Care Systems on working with people and communities, to ensure a greater say in decisions on health that impacts on local population health. In our consultation response, we highlighted the specific needs for engaging with young people to hear their views on health and social care. There are specific engagement needs which need to be considered when working with children and young people.

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