Data and evidence

Access to data and evidence supports higher quality adolescent health and healthcare. We conduct research, evaluate services, produce briefings and compendiums of data for front line practitioners. For the most up to date evidence visit our Youth Health Data hub (a separate website). In addition to the resources listed below, many of our other studies contain scoping reviews and other evidence summaries which you’ll find on other pages.

Key Data on Young People

Graphs and charts on a tableData on young people’s health and health service use from a wide range of sources to provide a holistic picture of the age-group. 


Health inequalities

GP infographicAYPH’s youth health data hub section on young people’s health inequalities.  There are over 40 charts looking at health outcomes, the drivers of inequality, and levers for action. 

“Key Data on Young People pulls together data from many sources, saving much legwork. I wish every country had a report like it.”

Joel Budd, Social Affairs editor, The Economist

Young people and families living with excess weight

cover of the experiences of young people and their families living with excess weight engagement reportScoping review of on evidence relating to children and young people’s and parents’ views of severe obesity, and their thoughts on services

Ethical engagement in health research & service design

Engaging young people in health services research and service design: a new look at ethical issuesReview of existing research on the range of ways in which young people are involved in health research and service development. 


International comparisons

Analysis of 17 measures of the health and wellbeing of young people aged 10-24  including long-standing illnesses, alcohol consumption, cancer mortality, obesity and deprivation.

Influence of mental health on educational attainment in adolescence

How does poor mental health in the early years od secondary school impact on GCSE attainment briefing coverAYPH worked with NatCen Social Research, on secondary analysis of large longitudinal datasets from the UK to explore the links between mental health problems at age 14 and GCSE results at 16. 

Global Action on Adolescent health (GAMA) Advisory Group

Meeting of GAMA committeeAYPH sits on this WHO committee of 17 global experts and four young professionals.  GAMA was set up to define a basket of indicators for measuring good outcomes in adolescent health.  

Impact of Covid-19 on young people

UK employment level by age chartBriefing published in February 2021 summarising themes from data and research on the impact of Covid-19 on young people.