Health inequalities
Some young people experience worse health outcomes than others, which is unfair and can be prevented. Differences in young people’s health are caused by a range of factors, from education to housing. These resources explore young people’s experiences of inequalities and offer interventions to reduce these differences.
The health and wellbeing of young people in low income areas in England and Wales
A review into the current state of health and wellbeing of children and young people in England and Wales, with a specific focus on those affected by low income
May 2024

Health Inequalities Programme
Shining a light on health inequalities experienced by young people, bringing together existing evidence and data, raising the profile of the issue and providing a channel for advocacy.
Care leavers data report
Themes from available
data and literature on care leavers’ experiences of health inequalities
Care leavers engagement report
Themes from engagement
with a youth panel on care leavers’ experiences of health inequalities
Care leavers’ health inequalities webinar
Watch our webinar looking at care leavers’ experiences of health inequalities.
Ethnicity & health inequalities webinar
Watch our webinar on the role of ethnicity in understanding young people’s health inequalities
Ethnicity & health inequalities engagement report
Themes from engagement with a youth panel on the importance of ethnicity for understanding young people’s experiences of health inequalities
Ethnicity & health inequalities data report
Themes from available data on the importance of ethnicity for understanding young people’s
experiences of health inequalities
Ethnicity & health inequalities briefing report
Summary of work to understand better the connection between young people’s ethnicity and health inequalities
Health inequalities training
Join our training course to learn more about health inequalities, how they are affecting young people and what you can do.
Young People’s Toolkit
Ideas of how young people in the UK can get involved in creating positive changes in their communities. Themes include safety in community places, access to healthy food and physical activities, and equal access to career opportunities and advice.
Resources for schools
Lesson plans, guidance for teachers and resources for key stages 3-5 that sit alongside the young people’s toolkit, to support teachers to help students explore factors that can affect health and wellbeing and when and how young people can seek support.
Celebrating the Senses: Newham Council’s sensory stars project inspires secondary school students
Commissioned as part of the We Are Food Secure 11-19 project, aimed at improving food security for young people, Jenny Martin shares learning from this initiative delivered by Nutrition Kitchen, a...
Improving food security for young people in Newham
Today sees the launch of a suite of reports and resources from our partnership project aimed at improving food security for young people aged 11-19 in the London Borough of Newham. The project was a...
The health and wellbeing of young people in low income areas in England and Wales
Keeping track of key health trends and policy developments is central to AYPH’s work. In our latest update we took a new look at the health of young people in low income areas in England and Wales,...
Understanding health inequalities for young people who are care experienced
As part of AYPH’s health inequalities programme we have focused on the health inequalities for different groups of young people. We are very pleased to present the findings from our exploration of...
AYPH has joined the End Child Poverty Coalition
It is impossible to ignore the links between poverty and health outcomes. That’s why we’ve joined the End Child Poverty Coalition, to make sure that all young people have an equal opportunity to...
Ethnicity and young people’s health inequalities
In this blog post, Rachael McKeown explores the evidence on the health inequalities experienced by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds. New AYPH reports present the latest available data...
Reducing healthcare inequalities for children and young people
NHS England have released a new version of their ‘Core20PLUS5’ approach for reducing health inequalities. But this time, it is focused on children and young people. In this blog post, AYPH’s Rachael...
The latest on adolescent health from Europe
Earlier this month Rachael McKeown, AYPH Policy Fellow, attended the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) conference in Athens. In this blog post, she summarises the main topics...
How is climate change impacting young people’s health in the UK?
Our youth-led inquiry will look into the effects of climate change on young people’s health. This is the result of nearly two years of work! Since recruiting a group of amazing young people for our...
What does research say about young people’s health inequalities?
Addressing health inequalities is a key issue for decision makers and professionals working with young people. But how much is actually understood about young people’s health inequalities and are...