Families are critical to young people’s health. We’re interested in finding out more about the role they play, and in how to support them to help their young people achieve the best possible health outcomes.
Excess weight scoping review
The experiences of young people and their families affected by excess weight.
Rethinking support for parents & carers
Rethinking support
for the parents and carers of young
people with mental health
There for you
Results of a survey on the role of parents in supporting young people with mental health problems which identifies emerging messages for improving information and support.
Everyone should be heard…making Excess Weight Clinics work for Children, Young People and Families
For the last two years AYPH has worked with the NHS Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics focusing on understanding the perspectives of young people and their families. We are delighted to...
Supporting the parents of young people with mental health problems
Caring for a young person with mental health problems is one of the most stressful things a parent can do. AYPH’s Ann Hagell presents the headline findings from an evaluation of Rollercoaster...
The experiences of young people and their families living with excess weight
Young people and their families living with excess weight experience huge stigma and judgement. As the NHS delivers new clinics for excess weight we are delighted to share the results of work with...
Young people and their families’ experiences of managing asthma
Jeremy Sachs and Emma Rigby, Association for Young People’s Health How do young people feel about the way their asthma is managed? What kind of information works best for them and what services and...
Helping parents and carers of young people with mental health problems
In our new briefing, AYPH’s Ann Hagell and our colleague James Kenrick pulled together some key messages about improving support for parents and carers of young people with mental health problems....