Service improvement and innovation
Young people have different needs from younger children and adults. These resources explore how services can meet those needs through everything from the physical environment to the qualities they want in professionals. See our section on young adults and transition to learn more about their specific needs.
Evaluation of the Well Centre
An innovative model of holistic
primary care to young people.

Digital access to primary care
Scoping review and engagement report on young people’s perspectives on digital access to primary care.
Group clinics for diabetes
Findings from a feasability study and realist review.
Delivering an innovative model of holistic primary care to young people through the Well Centre
Improving access to primary care is a central plank of the new Labour government’s health strategy. Wes Streeting’s first ministerial visit as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was to a...
Everyone should be heard…making Excess Weight Clinics work for Children, Young People and Families
For the last two years AYPH has worked with the NHS Complications from Excess Weight (CEW) clinics focusing on understanding the perspectives of young people and their families. We are delighted to...
Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development
Everyone is agreed that young people need to be involved at all levels of our healthcare system, from shaping the care they are receiving at the front line right up to co-designing and inputting to...
Reflecting on new quality standards for young people’s health services
AYPH Trustee and Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners Dick Churchill reflects on new resources aimed at promoting youth friendly healthcare I was recently invited to give a...
A warm welcome for You’re Welcome: new quality criteria for youth friendly health services
Last week the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) published a revised and updated version of the You’re Welcome quality criteria for youth friendly health services. AYPH welcomes...
Becoming Youth Rights Champions
The AYPH We’re All Right project has developed a learning hub where individuals and organisations can practice and improve their responses to young people who have experienced sexual violence and...
Improving access to secondary care for young people
Are there problems for young people accessing secondary care if they are close to the age cut-offs for different services? Lizzie Wortley shares AYPH’s new report on the issue. Sometimes we are so...
What young people think about the development of Integrated Care Systems
In 2018, NHS England announced the formation of 40+ Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) across the country, to improve joined up care across health, education, and social care in local areas. All ICSs...
Developing a young people’s toolkit on Health Inequalities: a young person’s perspective.
Last week saw the launch of A Fair and Equal Opportunity to Enjoy Good Health: A Young People’s Toolkit. The Association for Young People’s Health led the co-production of the toolkit with young...
Young people’s views on digital ways of accessing primary care
Interest is growing in on-line methods for making contact with the GP. It’s critical we understand how this works specifically for young people. AYPH’s Jeremy Sachs shares the main findings from...